Washington State Correctional Officer Sasquatch Sighting

It was sometime in November of 2016, when I had my sighting of a Sasquatch. It was on Hwy 2, just outside the small town of Sultan, WA, with a population of 5604. I was leaving an even smaller town where I lived, named Gold Bar, with a population of 2395. 

At this time, I was a Washington State Correctional Officer, and was working at the Washington State Reformatory, also known as the Monroe Correctional Complex, which was in Monroe, WA.

Read full story here.

It was sometime in November of 2016, when I had my sighting of a Sasquatch. It was on Hwy 2, just outside the small town of Sultan, WA, with a population of 5604. I was leaving an even smaller town where I lived, named Gold Bar, with a population of 2395. 

At this time, I was a Washington State Correctional Officer, and was working at the Washington State Reformatory, also known as the Monroe Correctional Complex, which was in Monroe, WA. 

On the day of the sighting, I was driving to the prison for my night shift, just before dusk. As I scanned the horizon, something caught my attention in the distance. I was driving on Highway 2, heading West toward the city of Monroe. 

On that stretch of the highway, there is a small church called the Wayside Chapel, it is a very tiny (only a few people can fit inside it at once) chapel that hikers or travelers would use as a last stop before heading over the Cascade Mountains. It is located on the North side of the highway, just outside of the town of Sultan, WA. 

It was this stretch of highway that I noticed a large dark figure off in the distance crossing the road, heading South to North. I was maybe a hundred yards East of the chapel at this point, driving about 50mph heading toward it. I slowed my vehicle to a crawl, my eyes fixed on the small chapel that stood in solitude on the side of the road. The tiny building seemed to be the only thing standing between me and the colossal creature that had just stepped out from the dense forest.

I mention the chapel because at its highest point it is no more than 8 feet tall, and what I now knew had to be a Sasquatch was running directly behind the chapel from my line of sight. As I quickly approached, closing the distance between us, the Sasquatch continued running into a farm field just beside the highway and behind the chapel. There was no more than a couple hundred yards of fields between Highway 2 and the foothills connecting into the nearby mountains. 

As I continued to drive West, all the while slowing down to try and get a better look at what was happening, I noticed I was not the only person watching the creature running toward the hillside, disappearing into the dense forest. There were several other vehicles behind me I had noticed were either pulling over or slowing down who had also seen it crossing the road apparently.

I never saw the Sasquatch turn around; it simply crossed the highway quickly then disappeared into the nearby forest. Of course, this was the last thing I expected to see on my way to work that night. There was only one other correctional at the prison that I was comfortable with even mentioning what I had seen to, I didn’t think the others would believe it. It wasn’t the most interesting of Sasquatch sighting stories that I’ve been told through the years, but it was mine and I now knew without a doubt that there are large bipedal hairy beings living in our forest.

This event has had a profound impact on my life, and I believe it is important to share my experience with others who may be interested in the subject of Sasquatch. – Derek Condit (Retired Correctional Officer)

Witness Audio Description – Coming Soon

Retired NSA Soldier Encounter – Coming Soon!

It was 2017, and I was walking on an abandoned logging trail that was on my 44 acres of forest property in Fort Jones, California when I walked up on a huge hairy figure that easily stood over 8 feet tall. I had no previous understanding of these creatures until this moment.

As I stood and watched, still trying to make sense of what I was looking at, it turned and…

Full Story – Coming Soon

Witness Audio Description – Coming Soon

Additional Sasquatch sighting stories coming soon.

Sasquatch/Bigfoot Online Resources

U.S. FBI Records

View/download FBI documents regarding Bigfoot: view here or view the FBI original website/source: view here

U.S. Forest Service & USDA Statement:

Loss of space threatening North American Sasquatch
Tiffany Holloway
Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service
April 1, 2015

There are many reasons the U.S. Forest Service (original link here) conserves open space. It allows us to deliver clean water, provide space for recreation activities and maintain wildlife habitat for a variety of creatures – most notably the North American Sasquatch.
While most people believe this Ape Man to be a thing of folklore and urban legend, researcher Thaddeus Guttenberg, with the U.S. Forest Service Mythical Wildlife Division, recently confirmed that Bigfoot is as real as he is.

“We’ve been keeping its existence under wraps for years to protect its privacy,” said Guttenberg. “But because the country is losing more and more open space each day, we wanted to make it known that the habitat to one of America’s greatest legends may be at risk.”

National Library of Medicine (Hair Study)

Title of Hair Study: Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti, bigfoot and other anomalous primates. View or download the study: click-here

Original Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Film Unedited

Newspaper Articles from the 1800’s

(Click-on article to enlarge, then use Ctrl & + button on your keyboard to zoom)

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